
2.5.5 User Guide

Hidden Configuration Variables

Hidden configuration variables are placed in system/expressionengine/config/config.php and are used to over-ride default behavior. These are advanced configuration options that should only be used by experienced ExpressionEngine users. More performance-related configuration options can be found in Handling Extreme Traffic with ExpressionEngine.


Value: y/n

If not set the template editor and publish write mode allow for tabular input. Set to n to disable all tab input, set to y to force tab preservation in all publish textareas.

$config['allow_textarea_tabs'] = 'y';


Value: number, in seconds

This variable controls the number of seconds between each attempted “autosave” when editing an entry

$config['autosave_interval_seconds'] = '300';


Value: number, in hours

This variable controls the number of hours that ExpressionEngine will keep autosave data.

$config['autosave_prune_hours'] = '6';


Value: time in seconds

Allows changing of the Control Panel Session Length to any number in seconds. For instance, if users should be logged out after 10 minutes of inactivity, the value would be: 600

$config['cp_session_ttl'] = 600;


Value: y/n

Disables tag caching, which if used unwisely on a high traffic site can lead to disastrous disk i/o. This setting allows quick thinking admins to temporarily disable it without hacking or modifying folder permissions

$config['disable_tag_caching'] = 'y';


Value: text string

If set, when an {encode=”“} tag is encountered, but emails are not to be encoded, this text will be displayed in place of the tag.

$config['encode_removed_text'] = 'Encoded emails not allowed';


Value: text string

If set, overrides the core Email class setting for crlf characters in quoted-printable encoded emails (Email class $crlf property).

$config['email_crlf'] = "\r\n";


Value: text string

If set, overrides the core Email class setting for newline characters (Email class $newline property).

$config['email_newline'] = "\r\n";


Value: numeric string

If set, overrides the core Email class setting (25) for SMTP Port. (Email class $smtp_port property).

$config['email_smtp_port'] = "2525";


Forces ExpressionEngine to cache the output of database queries to text files.

$config['enable_db_caching'] = "y";

When your visitors access your web pages, the cache files are examined to see if the particular queries being requested exist in cached form. If they do, ExpressionEngine uses the cached data instead of querying your database.

In most environments, the database server is better suited to handle its own caching. Therefore, we do not recommend that this option be enabled unless it is specifically required.

Furthermore, some queries can not be cached this way because the syntax of the query changes dynamically every time the query is run. A Channel Entries query, for example, always matches the expiration date against the current time in order to determine if entries have expired. This causes the query to change slightly with each page load; thus it cannot use this caching method. (See Dynamic Channel Query Caching for an alternative that can be used in many cases.)


Value: y/n

When set to “y”, forces upload filenames to be unique. Re-uploads of existing files or uploads that share a filename with an existing file will have an incrementing number appended to them.

$config['filename_increment'] = 'y';


Value: y/n

If a hidden template is encountered, the default behavior is to throw a 404. With this set to ‘n’, the template group’s index page will be shown instead.

$config['hidden_template_404'] = 'n';


Value: text string

Set the character(s) to use at the beginning of a template name to consider it a “hidden” template. Default is a period’.’

$config['hidden_template_indicator'] = '_';


Value: y/n

When set to “y” seconds are included on human-readable dates in the Control Panel forms.

$config['include_seconds'] = 'y';


Value: y/n

Whether or not to display a notice when the CP Session is about to expire, allowing the user to log back in. Default is ‘y’.

$config['login_reminder'] = 'n';


Value: y/n

Removes the textarea only restriction for fields in the moblog module.

$config['moblog_allow_nontextareas'] = 'y';


Value: Valid path to themes/third_party directory.

Overrides the themes/third_party paths so you can move your themes/third_party directory outside of your themes directory. Use in conjunction with url_third_themes.


Value: y/n

Prevents the advanced conditionals parser from processing anything in <script> tags. By default, it’s set to ‘y’.

$config['protect_javascript'] = 'y';


Value: comma delimited list of IP addresses

Whitelist of reverse proxy servers that may forward the visitor’s IP address.

$config['proxy_ips'] = ',';


Value: number, in seconds

How many seconds between PMs?

$config['prv_msg_throttling_period'] = '60';


Value: number, in hours

How many hours after becoming a member until they can PM?

$config['prv_msg_waiting_period'] = '48';


Value: y/n

Makes the title field gain focus when the page is loaded

$config['publish_page_title_focus'] = 'n';


Value: y/n

Allows Entry View Tracking to work for ANY combination that results in only one entry being returned by the tag, including channel query caching.

$config['relaxed_track_views'] = 'y';


Value: y/n

Removes the Close All button from the Publish/Edit page and user side HTML formatting buttons. Useful because most browsers no longer need it and Admins might want it gone

$config['remove_close_all_button'] = 'y';


Value: y/n

Enables the stripping of unparsed ExpressionEngine variables in templates when Debug has been forcibly set to 0 in your config file.

$config['remove_unparsed_vars'] = 'y';


Value: y/n

When enabled, parsing of embedded templates that are not set to the template type “Static” will still be parsed as static if they can be (i.e. if they have no PHP or ExpressionEngine tags in them). This setting is enabled by default.

$config['smart_static_parsing'] = 'n';


Value: two letter language code

Allows you to specify the language used in the spellchecking functions. Set the value to the two letter ISO 639 language code for the spellcheck (ex: en, es, de)

$config['spellcheck_language_code'] = 'de';


Value: Valid path to third_party directory.

Overrides the third_party paths so you can move your third_party directory outside of your system directory.


Value: Array

Overrides file upload destination paths, URLs and titles. Each key in the array is optional and only overrides existing values in the database, new upload destinations cannot be created using this configuration variable.

$config['upload_preferences'] = array(
    1 => array(                                                            // ID of upload destination
        'name'        => 'Staging Image Uploads',                          // Display name in control panel
        'server_path' => '/home/user/', // Server path to upload directory
        'url'         => ''      // URL of upload directory


Value: Valid URL to themes/third_party directory.

Overrides the themes/third_party URL so you can move your themes/third_party directory outside of your themes directory. Use in conjunction with path_third_themes.


Value: y/n

Determines whether the forums run at a different base URL than the main site. Useful for running forums as a subdomain.

$config['use_forum_url'] = 'y';


Value: y/n

Disables checks within the control panel to look for the existence of the themes/cp_themes/mobile directory, allowing for any theme to be used when viewing on a mobile device.

$config['use_mobile_control_panel'] = 'n';


Value: time in seconds

Allows changing of the Users Session Length to any number in seconds. For instance, if users should be logged out after 10 minutes of inactivity, the value would be: 600

$config['user_session_ttl'] = 600;


Value: Number of characters to display

Sets how many characters to display when viewing comments in the control panel.

$config['view_comment_chars'] = '50';


Value: y/n

When set to ‘y’, creates <br />’s based on line breaks when viewing comments in the control panel.

$config['view_comment_leave_breaks'] = 'y';


Value: Pipe delimeted list of member IDs

Sets the member IDs to exclude XSS cleaning on.

$config['xss_clean_member_exception'] = '3|14|83';


Value: Pipe delimited list of member group IDs

Sets the member group IDs to exclude XSS cleaning on.

$config['xss_clean_member_group_exception'] = '2|5';