
2.5.5 User Guide

ExpressionEngine Emoticon Development

Modifying or creating new sets of Emoticons for use with ExpressionEngine is fairly straightforward. Glyph translations are contained in the /system/modules/emoticon/emoticons.php file. This file contains an array, $smileys that provides instructions as to what glyphs should be replaced by which images, and what the properties of the image files are. The files themselves can be replaced or modified so that completely different Emoticon packs can be created and used.

Default Smileys Array

$smileys = array(

//  smiley                    image name            width   height  alt

    ':-)'           =>  array('grin.gif',           '19',   '19',   'grin'),
    ':lol:'         =>  array('lol.gif',            '19',   '19',   'LOL'),
    ':cheese:'      =>  array('cheese.gif',         '19',   '19',   'cheese'),
    ':)'            =>  array('smile.gif',          '19',   '19',   'smile'),
    ';-)'           =>  array('wink.gif',           '19',   '19',   'wink'),
    ';)'                    =>  array('wink.gif',           '19',   '19',   'wink'),
    ':smirk:'       =>  array('smirk.gif',          '19',   '19',   'smirk'),
    ':roll:'        =>  array('rolleyes.gif',       '19',   '19',   'rolleyes'),
    ':-S'           =>  array('confused.gif',       '19',   '19',   'confused'),
    ':wow:'         =>  array('surprise.gif',       '19',   '19',   'surprised'),
    ':bug:'         =>  array('bigsurprise.gif',    '19',   '19',   'big surprise'),
    ':-P'           =>  array('tongue_laugh.gif',   '19',   '19',   'tongue laugh'),
    '%-P'           =>  array('tongue_rolleye.gif', '19',   '19',   'tongue rolleye'),
    ';-P'           =>  array('tongue_wink.gif',    '19',   '19',   'tongue wink'),
    ':P'            =>  array('rasberry.gif',       '19',   '19',   'rasberry'),
    ':blank:'       =>  array('blank.gif',          '19',   '19',   'blank stare'),
    ':long:'        =>  array('longface.gif',       '19',   '19',   'long face'),
    ':ohh:'         =>  array('ohh.gif',            '19',   '19',   'ohh'),
    ':grrr:'        =>  array('grrr.gif',           '19',   '19',   'grrr'),
    ':gulp:'        =>  array('gulp.gif',           '19',   '19',   'gulp'),
    '8-/'           =>  array('ohoh.gif',           '19',   '19',   'oh oh'),
    ':down:'        =>  array('downer.gif',         '19',   '19',   'downer'),
    ':red:'         =>  array('embarrassed.gif',    '19',   '19',   'red face'),
    ':sick:'        =>  array('sick.gif',           '19',   '19',   'sick'),
    ':shut:'        =>  array('shuteye.gif',        '19',   '19',   'shut eye'),
    ':-/'           =>  array('hmm.gif',            '19',   '19',   'hmmm'),
    '>:('           =>  array('mad.gif',            '19',   '19',   'mad'),
    ':mad:'         =>  array('mad.gif',            '19',   '19',   'mad'),
    '>:-('          =>  array('angry.gif',          '19',   '19',   'angry'),
    ':angry:'       =>  array('angry.gif',          '19',   '19',   'angry'),
    ':zip:'         =>  array('zip.gif',            '19',   '19',   'zipper'),
    ':kiss:'        =>  array('kiss.gif',           '19',   '19',   'kiss'),
    ':ahhh:'        =>  array('shock.gif',          '19',   '19',   'shock'),
    ':coolsmile:'   =>  array('shade_smile.gif',    '19',   '19',   'cool smile'),
    ':coolsmirk:'   =>  array('shade_smirk.gif',    '19',   '19',   'cool smirk'),
    ':coolgrin:'    =>  array('shade_grin.gif',     '19',   '19',   'cool grin'),
    ':coolhmm:'     =>  array('shade_hmm.gif',      '19',   '19',   'cool hmm'),
    ':coolmad:'     =>  array('shade_mad.gif',      '19',   '19',   'cool mad'),
    ':coolcheese:'  =>  array('shade_cheese.gif',   '19',   '19',   'cool cheese'),
    ':vampire:'     =>  array('vampire.gif',        '19',   '19',   'vampire'),
    ':snake:'       =>  array('snake.gif',          '19',   '19',   'snake'),
    ':exclaim:'     =>  array('exclaim.gif',        '19',   '19',   'exclaim'),
    ':question:'    =>  array('question.gif',       '19',   '19',   'question') // no comma after last item


the glyph / text you wish to be replaced by a particular smiley

image name

the file name for the smiley image


The width, in pixels, of the smiley image


The height, in pixels, of the smiley image


The text that will be used for the image alt=”” attribute

Emoticon Images

The file names in the $smileys array correspond to the files in the directory specified as the “smilies” directory in the Control Panel at Admin ‣ Emoticon Preferences.