
2.5.5 User Guide

Layout Class

Calling the Layout Class


Publish Page Layout Functions

Administrators may extensively customize publish pages on a per member group and per channel basis. Since these custom layouts are saved as a serialized array in the database, any additions or deletions to publish page tabs and fields must be synced to any saved layouts. The control panel library provides 4 functions to facilitate custom layout updates. (See also Module Tutorial: Update file.)

Add Tabs

Adds tabs and any associated fields to currently saved publish layouts. If there is an existing tab with the same name, the function will return false


$tabs must be an associative array where the top level array(s) is the name of the tab. If the tab contains any fields, as it likely does, include them as elements of their tab’s array, with the field name as a key and containing the required elements: visible, collapse, htmlbuttons and width.

$tabs['pages'] = array(
        'pages_uri'     => array(
                                'visible'       => 'true',
                                'collapse'      => 'false',
                                'htmlbuttons'   => 'true',
                                'width'         => '100%'
        'pages_template_id'     => array(
                                'visible'       => 'true',
                                'collapse'      => 'false',
                                'htmlbuttons'   => 'true',
                                'width'         => '100%'

Delete Tabs

This function will remove tabs and all associated fields from the saved publish page layouts. The $tabs variable must be an associative array, with the top level array’s key the name of the tab. As in the add_layout_tabs() function, any associated fields should be included as keys within the tab’s array.


Add Fields

Used to add new fields to an already existing tab. Because custom layouts may have moved the field(s) to a different tab and deleted the tab originally associated with the fields, a new tab will be created if none exists in the layout. The $tabs array takes the same format as the add_layout_tabs() function, while $channel_id is an optional parameter that limits the update to layouts associated with a given channel and should generally be omitted from third party usage.

$this->EE->layout->add_layout_fields($tabs, $channel_id);

Delete Fields

Used to delete fields without removing the existing tab. This function removes all matching field names from the saved layouts, regardless of the tab they are currently saved in. The $tabs array takes the same format as the add_layout_tabs() function, while $channel_id is an optional parameter that limits the update to layouts associated with a given channel and should generally be omitted from third party usage.

$this->EE->layout->delete_layout_fields($tabs, $channel_id);