
2.5.5 User Guide

ExpressionEngine API


The API libraries attempt to provide a simple, unified abstraction to common ExpressionEngine operations. This includes managing templates and channels, as well as creating, editing, and deleting channel entries. Typically operations of this sort are complex with multiple steps to maintain database consistency. That makes them prone to errors and difficult to maintain. Making use of the provided APIs removes the burden of staying up-to-date with all of the required steps and ensures that your addons will remain functional even if the underlying architecture changes.

Calling the API


After loading the parent API library, the child classes are loaded with instantiate():


At this point, methods within the api_channel_entries api are callable via $this->EE->api_channel_entries->method_name();

Available APIs

Function Reference

The following public functions are accessible:


Name of the API to instantiate.

$this->EE->api->instantiate((string) $which);
returns:Void on success, however an exception will be raised if the API can not be found.

Error Count

Number of errors generated in API functions.

returns:Number of errors

Make URL Safe

Makes a string safe for use in a URL segment.

Valid Characters are: a-zA-Z0-9_-.

$this->EE->api->make_url_safe((string) $str);

Example Usage:


$str = 'this is a string that\'s not URL safe.  (we will clean it for $5).';
$str = $this->EE->api->make_url_safe($str); // Result thisisastringthatsnotURLsafe.wewillcleanitfor5.
returns:Cleansed string

Is String URL Safe?

Checks if a string is safe for use in a URL segment

$this->EE->api->is_url_safe((string) $str);

Example Usage:


$str = 'this is a string that\'s not URL safe.  (we will clean it for $5).';

if ( ! $this->EE->api->is_url_safe($str))
        // Do additional Processing on the string to make it URL safe
returns:Boolean - TRUE on success, FALSE on failure