
2.5.5 User Guide

ExpressionEngine Channel Fields API

Calling the Class

The Channel Fields class is called with the api->instantiate() function.

$this->EE->load->library('api'); $this->EE->api->instantiate('channel_fields');

Function Reference

Fetch all Fieldtypes

Goes through all fieldtype files, includes them (using include_handler()), and returns an array of all found fieldtypes.



'fieldtype_shortname' => array(
        'path'          =>  (string) File Path,
        'file'          =>  (string) Filename,
        'name'          =>  (string) Human readable name,
        'class'         =>  (string) Class Name,
        'package'       =>  (string) Package name

A package name is only returned if the fieldtype comes from a third party

Fetch installed Fieldtypes

This method is identical to fetch_all_fieldtypes(), but the returned array is limited to fieldtypes that have been installed by the user.

returns:(array) Same as fetch_all_fieltypes, but with the addition of a version number and fieldtype id.

Include Fieldtype Class

This method includes the class that is responsible for a certain fieldtype, and adds it to a list of known fieldtypes. Do not include fieldtypes manually as it may cause ExpressionEngine to not recognize them.

$this->EE->api_channel_fields->include_handler((string) $field_type);
returns:(string) Name of the fieldtype’s class.

Setup Fieldtype Class

This method prepares resets the fieldtype class and its settings. It must be called before a fieldtype is used.

$this->EE->api_channel_fields->setup_handler((string) $field_type);
returns:(bool) Fieldtype setup successful

Setup Entry Settings

This method will properly populate the settings array for all fields in the specified channel. It returns an array of all field settings, and is typically used before the Channel Entries API’s submit_new_entry() method.

$this->EE->api_channel_fields->setup_entry_settings((string) $channel_id, (array) $entry_data,(bool) $bookmarklet);

Set Fieldtype Settings

This method is used to assign additional settings to a fieldtype. This may be any data that a fieldtype developer may need to use in their fieldtype. The settings array must include a field_type key, and can include an optional field_name if used in a channel context.

$this->EE->api_channel_fields->set_settings((string) $field_id, (mixed) $settings);

Get Fieldtype Settings

This method gets the settings of an individual field.

$this->EE->api_channel_fields->get_settings((string) $field_id);

Call a Fieldtype Method

This is a convenience method to call a fieldtype after it has been setup. It will automatically setup the proper third party paths and handle PHP4’s pass-by-reference quirks. It acts on the last fieldtype that was passed to setup_handler(). It takes an array of parameters.

$this->EE->api_channel_fields->apply((string) $method, (mixed) $parameters);
returns:(mixed) The return value of the fieldtype function that was called.

Example Usage:

$parameters = array(
        'foo'       => 'Dog',
        'bar'       => 'Cat'

echo $this->EE->api_channel_fields->apply('my_method', $parameters);

Create or Update a Channel Field

This creates a new channel field or updates an existing field. Include a field_id in the $field_data array to update an existing field, or omit field_id to create a new one.

$this->EE->api_channel_fields->update_field((array) $field_data);
returns:(string) The field_id of the updated/created field.

Values that may be passed in the $field_data array include:

  • group_id, (int)
  • field_id, (int optional)
  • field_name, (string a-zA-Z0-9_- only)
  • field_label, (string)
  • field_type, (string a valid fieldtype short name)
  • field_order, (int)
  • field_instructions, (string)
  • field_required, (string y/n)
  • field_search, (string y/n)
  • field_is_hidden, (string y/n)
  • field_fmt, (string)
  • field_show_fmt, (string)
  • field_text_direction, (string ltr/rtl)
  • field_maxl, (int)
  • and other fieldtype-specific settings, see the fieldtype’s display_settings and save_settings methods for more options

Example Usage:

$field_data = array(
        'group_id' => 1,
        'field_name' => 'blog_body',
        'field_label' => 'Body',
        'field_type' => 'text',
        'field_order' => 10,
        'field_required' => 'y',
        'field_search' => 'y',
        'field_is_hidden' => 'n',
        'field_instructions' => '',
        'field_maxl' => 128,
        'text_field_fmt' => 'none',
        'text_field_show_fmt' => 'n',
        'text_field_text_direction' => 'ltr',
        'text_field_content_type' => 'all',
        'text_field_show_smileys' => 'n',
        'text_field_show_glossary' => 'n',
        'text_field_show_spellcheck' => 'n',
        'text_field_show_file_selector' => 'n',


Field Settings Variables

This method supplies the view variables for field settings in the Edit/Create Field screen. This is used prior to and in conjunction with api_channel_fields->update_field(). $field_id is optional if you are creating a new field. $field_types is optional, and is an array of field types to display. By default, all field types are shown in the view.

$this->EE->api_channel_fields->field_edit_vars((int) $group_id, (int) $field_id, (array) $field_types)
returns:(array) View variables for the admin/field_edit view.

Example Usage:

$vars = $this->EE->api_channel_fields->field_edit_vars(1, 2);

return $this->EE->load->view('admin/field_edit', $vars, TRUE);